Rotov, Chana Leah (Laka)

Rotov, Chana Leah (Laka)

Daughter of Yaffa and Ze’ev, was born on July 8, 1928, to a family of workers who lived in Atlit, where she completed her studies at the local elementary school and was active in the Hanoar Haoved branch. She completed her first year of high school, then spent two years in training at a Palestine youth group in Ein Harod, worked in the care of children and aspired to study in teaching. After two years of training, she joined a Palmach enlisted training unit in Beit Ha’arava and there, too Oh trust her work, especially childcare. After a year she was sent to Jerusalem for special positions on behalf of the Palmach, and at the beginning of the War of Independence she continued her service in one of the Palmach regiments, accompanied by convoys, etc. When she was sent to fill a position in Haifa, she was given leave for ten days at the parents’ home. On her way back to Jerusalem, she was hit by an enemy bullet at Sha’ar Hagai on the day of Adar I 5708 (March 2, 1948). She was buried in Sanhedria in Jerusalem. On the 11th of Elul 5711 (13.9.1951) she was put to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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