Rotenberg, Nadav

Rotenberg, Nadav

Son of Yehudit and Dror. He was born on 10 June 1990 in Ramot Hashavim, a brother to Na’ama, Erez and Alon, who was a smiling baby and a mischievous child who taught himself things out of curiosity, grew up in a family whose main characteristic was joy of life. The two brothers enjoyed watching together on funny TV shows, then imitating the characters and artists they watched, including the clothes they wore and taking a picture as a souvenir. From a very young age, Nadav was able to live in his own way and faith, and at the age of ten months he taught himself to speak about a friend Shai When he was born, he wanted to be independent and mature, and when he was in kindergarten, his parents bought him vegetables, and Nadav planted them in the garden of the house. He liked to build in Lego, and over the years he invited himself to play complex Lego games from abroad. From the age of six he earned money on his work collecting pecans in the grove of the neighboring farmer, working on laying pipes, planting, cleaning, and every work required. He was diligent and loved to help. When he grew up, he cleaned gardens in the settlement, assisted in special projects of cleaning homes and nursed four small children in a family whose parents worked during vacations. Nadav loved economic independence and was very diligent. Nadav was generous and gave his money to everyone in need, but he also knew how to please himself, loved the good and beautiful life, including pubs, cafes and restaurants, and beautiful clothes. Nadav was the mainstay of the house. When he awoke in the morning, everyone in the house heard him singing happily the songs he loved and spoke to himself. While cooking in the kitchen described the preparation, like a chef preparing dishes for his customers in a restaurant. After graduating from the Aharonovitch Elementary School in Kfar Malal, he went on to the Sharett junior high school in Kfar Sava, and later to the Herzog High School in Kfar Saba, where he was remembered by many of the pranksters who volunteered for his parents, And was interested in a variety of fields: world politics and leaders, he knew the names of all presidents, prime ministers and chiefs of staff in the country. Nadav loved history and geography, the memory of events and wars, natural phenomena. He was tested in five units in history and geography. Society was the center of his life and he loved friends and was very active socially. In the fifth and sixth grades, I organized breaks in activity, and when kindergarten children were at school, he made sure to run them. In the youth movement of the agricultural union he was active, and at the age of fifteen he went to a course for instructors. When he studied in elementary school, he also developed the artistic side of his soul – sculptor and painter, and helped to design an exhibition at the school. In his spare time he loved traveling with the family very much. As an adult, he admired the landscapes, culture, and unique heritage of the Land of Israel, and felt deep belonging to the state. Nadav was educated at home about the values ​​of love for the land, homeland and Jewish tradition, and for the values ​​of volunteerism, giving and contribution. He felt that it was a right to live in the state of the people of Israel that his grandparents had established with their own hands. Nadav asked his grandmother Clara Hershkovitz, a Holocaust survivor, to teach him Yiddish and Romanian. Then he made everyone laugh with jokes and imitations in the languages ​​he had learned. From an early age, he engaged in sports: he played football, practiced swimming, and did flips to jump into the pool despite the prohibition to do so. When they scolded him he said it was not him. From the age of five he trained with his two brothers in the Taekwondo Club of Hapoel Kfar Saba. After a few years of break Nadav returned to practice and the first competition he took partAfter returning, he won a gold medal against black belts. He then went on to practice for the Israeli team at Taekwondo in Jerusalem. His brother Erez and Alon, both of whom have black belts in the industry. At home, when his brother Alon trained him, Nadav set up a camera and photographed the training. At the age of seventeen, Nadav received a black belt – as he had planned. He was considered a talented and respected athlete and was awarded the status of Israel Youth Champion and Israel’s Vice-General for Adults. “Nadav was an athlete and a man of values, honor and virtue, great motivation and aspiration for excellence,” said his personal coach, Shlomo Tal, “who advocated hard work and was determined and capable of perseverance. Shlomo Tal said that even when Nadav enlisted in the army, he continued to maintain contact and would come to practice at the club whenever he was given: “He continued to follow competitions in which his friends participated, and after success and failure he would send messages and encourage his friends. “When I turned to Nadav and offered him the opportunity to serve the country as an outstanding athlete in the army, he refused and said that he prefers to serve the country in a combat unit and to protect the homeland.” Nadav was a very humble private person. Did not like to boast of his accomplishments and therefore rarely shared his parents with his successes because he did not want his parents to boast of his accomplishments to friends. Before the army, Nadav was determined to enlist in a combat unit. He prepared, ran in the sand and lifted weights. Nadav enlisted in March 2009. His goal was to follow in the footsteps of his father Dror and to serve in the paratroopers’ paratroopers. Nadav was used to excellence and to achieve what he wanted, but during the formation of the commando unit he was wounded and as a result of a deep cut in the wrist he was forced to stop the consolidation and “settle for” in the Paratroopers’ Battalion 202. At school he found it hard to accept authority, not in the army. He went to a running competition between various units in the IDF and won first place with his team, finishing as an outstanding trainee paratrooper training course and receiving a gold pin. Because he was an outstanding soldier, the battalion commander and the deputy battalion commander knew him personally. He wanted to be in every place where there was an incident and to fight, saying, “I want to fight, I did not enlist in order to train army commanders.” “He was a poisoned soldier and loved the army,” the father said. “He was happy in the army.” Nadav was a patriot, on a flag he brought from home, all his teammates signed and the flag wandered with them from base to base. “You were always the center of things in the ward,” his friend testified. “All the rush always turned around you … When you were not with us in the course of your missing squad commanders, we waited impatiently for you, we talked when you would return and we always kept in touch. You were a departmental milestone. How we rejoiced when you came from the course of squad commanders … On the day you returned from Gaza, it was as if we had all blossomed and renewed forces had returned, the mad patrols on the patrols, the bonfires and the coffee puffs. Everything you arranged, the kumzitzim, the avocado, the tea and the lemon, the games … You brought a whole world with you, a happier, more hopping world. Energetic, sociable and always willing to help and give a hand to those who need it. You really were the glue of the department. Everyone looked at and admired what you were. “Between the course of the commanders’ training courses in Gaza, the night fell. “I’m on the third plane,” Nadav wrote, “I get up in the columns and I jump to be first … The pressure increases … I play her indifferent to the situation and talk to everyone, and soothe them …” Nadav continued to describe the boarding and wrote: Looking at the view … and realizing how small I am now, the wing of the airplane, the engine, the head, the wind, an experience, I remember the brothers in arms,Stranger for a sharp look ahead … “Landing:” I pull back the straps. The parachute stops landing and continues with a sharp descent in place, the weapon touches the floor, I hear the boom of the weapon … And then boom, I’m on the floor, I felt the leg break … “Nadav dragged his aching foot and limped to the gathering place. To the meeting place by walking with all the equipment despite the intense pain he felt on the broken leg. ” Nadav loved the army and was physically and mentally strong, but in the pages he wrote to himself after the injury, he described the lack of trust and the attitude of the medical staff to his injury as a humiliating and hurtful person. He arrived at the hospital only two days later. Nadav received a serious injury that delayed his return to the battalion that was sitting on the Gaza border. The recovery took two and a half months. During this period the house was noisy and filled with laughter and joy. Despite the injury Nadav built a chicken coop in the yard. He had expected to fill it with chickens, but he had not. Nadav and his two brothers spent the nights playing together and making noise that interfered with their parents’ nighttime sleep. After he recovered, he insisted on returning to serve in the paratroopers with his comrades in the sabotage division of the operational company. A civilian and military doctor forbade him to return to full combat activity for 45 days until the leg was fully recovered. But he did not show the note to his commanders, because he did not want to be sent to my post. Nadav had ambitions he could not fulfill. After the liberation he planned to buy houses, renovate them, and sell them. He also promised his sister, Na’ama, that she would open a bakery and he would run it. He planned to cross the Israel National Trail for three months and live with his girlfriend Tal. Nadav saw himself as a wealthy businessman in the future, about two weeks after he returned to the Bezeq Battalion from the injury, and about half an hour before he was killed, his girlfriend, Tal, called him, whom he loved very much. “I told him in the conversation, when we spoke two days ago, that he would look after himself, but he laughed … He promised to come back to me …” Kibbutz Nirim, after three suspicious figures were identified approaching the perimeter fence, was reinforced by the alert force Nadav was in. The paratroopers arrived at the scene and their commander placed them in the area. Blasting the coordinates of the terrorist cell, opened fire with the “Keshet” system, which accurately fired mortar shells using a computer, two bombs were fired at the terrorists, the force was very close to the terrorists, and the second was not far from the force. Nadav responded by saying, “In a clash with terrorists, I will be the first one next to my commander.” Nadav Rotenberg fell in a battle in the Gaza Strip on the 3rd of Shvat (7.1.2011), who was twenty and a half years old when he fell. He was laid to rest at the cemetery in Ramot Hashavim. Survived by his parents, grandmother, sister and two brothers. He was promoted to First Sergeant after his death. One month ago, as part of the Friday operation, in which I used to call to demand the safety of the wounded soldiers of the battalion, I also called you after you were wounded in the last battalion parachute landing Instead of complaining about the complexity of the injury and the difficulty of healing, you always made sure to tell me how much you want to go back to the ward and join the friends you loved so much, Nadav, there is no more appropriate story than your life story to describe. The beautiful Land of IsraelLeadership and leadership skills … and above all with constant concern and devotion … I can not forget the brilliance in your eyes in the conversation that we conducted with your return from the course of corporals … In this conversation, like the entire course of your life, you expressed my desire to begin the command function And on the other hand, to go to officers ‘training course, and from there to go to officers’ training course … Last Friday, Nadav, my fighter, was brought with your friends to the ward to thwart hostile activity … You quickly and resolutely jumped into the sabotage squad without asking questions, Your friends on a mission from which unfortunately, not Shabbat … “The department commander, Amit Roitman, who served with him in the same company said: Time and anywhere we met in light of the way I discovered an amazing person, strong, loves his friends and not willing under any circumstances to various problems stand in the way. Whenever mentioned your name I have heard your commanders how much you appreciated and what a warrior would. ” His comrades-in-arms who served with him from the beginning of the route, during the weeks of activity in the field, were harassed and parachuted, testified that he always encouraged them with an occupying smile. When everyone complained, he was optimistic. He found the time to talk to a depressed friend. His friends in the sabotage department wrote: “For thirty days you have not been with us … You had a rare collection of wonderful qualities, you were a caring, loving and caring person, you were always the first to volunteer for any ‘sanjur’ You have always had time to catch a friend who scornfully cheered, to find out where you can help, to act, and to do, in the best moments of the department you knew to be the mediator, a good friend of all, a friend True, everyone loves and appreciates, with all these virtues, the projection of quiet modesty, and the preference to thank your friends generously for their achievements. Things that are simply impossible to describe or explain in words, you can not describe the relaxed and relaxed feeling you felt about your very presence in the room, the desire and motivation that so conspicuously stood out in every action you performed, the brilliance you liked, the lofty values ​​that you absorbed from the home and reflected in every moment of your life. .. will always remain for us a model of imitation and admiration. ” His friend wrote: “My dear brother Nadav … As a trainee who begins his career at the officers’ school, you passed on to me the most important lesson to the officer and to the person as you taught me the magnitude of the responsibility placed on my shoulders, the importance of the professionalism, the spirit of fighting, The ability to walk almost blindly in the face of danger without fear … Roti, I long for your broad smile that brought with him a great deal of joy, a smile for your beautiful face, for the big eyes who always sought out who to help, the broad shoulders that carried the weight of the saddlebag and the cap that he gave you. … “. Next to the parents’ home, where Nadav used to sit with his friends, a sitting area was built of recycled materials by Nadav’s classmates, with a firewood installation, a pooika and sports facilities in the fallen garden. In his memory a Facebook page was opened in his honor. The page is active. Friends continue to write to Nadav.

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