Rosenzweig, Yitzhak

Rosenzweig, Yitzhak

Son of David and Dora. He was born on the 5th of Adar I 5708 (1948) in Lodz, Poland, where he emigrated to Sweden where he belonged to a youth sports organization in which he excelled, as his medals testify, and he completed elementary school Hillel studied in Stockholm and excelled in his studies as a student whose teachers and friends loved him, continued to study there for two years there, but in 1965 he decided to immigrate to Israel and to fight for his people. When he arrived in Israel, he continued his high school studies at the commercial school, but in August 1966 he was drafted into the IDF and filled all the tasks he was assigned with great seriousness and devotion, and the commander of his unit wrote to his mother in his condolences, (16.6.1968) died during his service. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul.

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