Rosenthal, Raziel Halevi (Resi)

Rosenthal, Raziel Halevi (Resi)

The only son of Tova and Yitzhak was born on 22.6.1929 in Tel Aviv. He studied at the Herzliya high school. He was a talented student with good manners. When he was admitted to the Haganah, he was only 13 years old. There was no limit to his joy, and he told his father: Do not worry, Father. I will be a loyal and devoted friend. It is always right to sacrifice my life for our people and our land. And his promise exists. While standing guard at the Tel Aviv defense near Hatikva neighborhood, he and his comrades were arrested by the British police and sentenced by a military court to five years in prison and jailed in Jerusalem. At the time of the trial he was required to testify under oath from the witness, but he refused, saying: I hereby declare the justice of the Haganah soldier, for everything I testify will be true. From the Jerusalem prison he was transferred to Atlit and from there he was released upon the end of the Mandate. He was offered a military position in the city, but preferred to “be in combat duty on the front.” During the War of Independence, he fought in Negba, Ibdis, Ashdod, Julis and Beit-Aafa. Military correspondent. Bar-Yosef wrote: “The soldiers I spoke to were from the auxiliary company of a battalion of the Givati ​​Brigade and from the battalion’s regiment, who fought in the heroic battles of Ibdis, Negba and Beit-Affa and the surrounding area. All of them with his courage and self-control that he discovered until the last minute … He did not leave his place despite the terrible fire that had been inflicted on him from all sides … He succeeded in silencing several Egyptian tanks before he fell in his position … “Raziel dies in the battle of Ibdis on Tuesday, (10.7.1948) was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Beer Tuvia, in the personal letter of Prime Minister David son of-Gurion, a friend of his father Labor and the party expressed their admiration for this son, who symbolizes the glory of the people in his rebirth, and David son of-Gurion finished his letter with the words: “Blessed is his child.”

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