Rosenthal, Ilan

Rosenthal, Ilan

Son of Rachel and Israel, was born on November 11, 1963) in Kiryat Motzkin. Ilan made his first steps in elementary school, first and second grades, in Chicago, where his parents stayed there. When he returned to Israel, he easily integrated into the Weizmann State School in Kiryat Motzkin and overcame his backwardness in Hebrew subjects. From childhood, Ilan liked manual labor, and in his youth he was a member of the Technical Youth Club. He worked in the sailboat section of the club, built himself a sailboat and put it in the annual competition of the youth clubs on Tantura Beach. A year later, Ilan built various electrical devices, such as: a bell, a map of Israel with a light on at the desired settlement, and more. In light of his technical skills, it was natural for him to continue his high school studies at the “Sammat” school in Haifa, in electronics, and after completing the 12th grade, Ilan signed a commitment to study in the academic reserve. He graduated from the Bnai Brith Institute twice, with honors, and was awarded the first prize of the “Bnai Brith” Institute, once for his academic achievements, and once for his final project Ilan was a member of Hashomer Hatzair, He played handball in the Kiryat Motzkin youth group, worked in swimming and sailing, and traveled extensively throughout the country, where he toured the Sinai and traveled to Israel. It was clear to him that he would serve as a pilot in the IAF. In June 1981, Ilan enlisted in the IDF, underwent exhaustive training and invested great efforts in order to succeed in them, and was promoted to the rank of corporal, Fly to Germany and Sweden. In March 1984, Ilan successfully completed the pilot’s course and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel.In the afternoon of May 27, 1984, Ilan and his friend were killed in an accident, at the age of 20. Ilan aspired to be a pilot in the IAF, He was brought to rest at the military cemetery in Haifa, where he was succeeded by his parents, three sisters, and a brother, who was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Ilan, The commander of the squadron wrote to his parents: “Ilan was very popular and admired for his classmates, served as a true friend, an example of an officer and a good pilot.” Describes the image lines friend … “compete modesty of Ilan is a task doomed … the constant quest for perfection in choosing his actions and making them … rigor and care with every detail, to make things right and most perfect”

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