Rosenstruch, Meir

Rosenstruch, Meir

Son of Pesach and Bluma. Born in Tel Aviv on August 4, 1951. He studied at the “Aliyot” elementary school in Ramat Gan and continued his studies at the Technikom High School in Tel Aviv, where he was a talented student and excelled in electronics studies. In elementary school he began to study contrabass and later joined the Ramat Gan orchestra, where he learned to play the trumpet on his own and progressed quickly to complete control of the instrument Meir was a sports enthusiast and especially loved the soccer game When he was 17, he joined the Maccabi Amidar soccer team He was an active social man and always helped everyone around him in school and years later – in service Meir was drafted into the IDF in May 1969 and was deployed to the air force. After basic training, he was trained in a paramedics course and a course for aviation paramedics and was sent to the Air Force base in central Israel as a medic. Meir loved his role and was very devoted. After completing his regular service he volunteered for a career army service. He was assessed by his commanders as a responsible and dedicated soldier. Disciplined and knowledgeable in the midwives. After his discharge from the IDF he was called for reserve duty, and he participated in the Yom Kippur War as an airborne medic and saved the lives of many soldiers who were injured in the battles. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. Survived by his parents and two sisters. His family commemorated him in a memorial plaque in the synagogue in his neighborhood.

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