Rosenfeld, Gideon (Gingy)

Rosenfeld, Gideon (Gingy)

Son of Avraham and Ada. He was born on the 11th of Av, July 21, 1945 in Petah Tikva. He graduated from elementary school in Petah Tikva. From his childhood, he showed a tendency toward machines and their parts, and therefore continued his studies in the vocational school “Amal”. After completing his studies there, he applied to high school, to complete his studies, and receive a matriculation certificate. Gidon devoted his spare time to the “Mahanot Ha’olim” movement, and together with his comrades in the Nahal Brigade, left for Nachal in October 1963. During his training, he moved to Kabri, and after basic training, he moved to Kibbutz Eyal, which he loved, and saw as his home. Gidon volunteered for the paratroop brigade, where he had taken a mortar course. In training, he proved to be adaptable, and also had a sense of humor. He was one of those who raised his morale, and during the difficult times, he was full of stories and jokes, and always found a good word to encourage a friend. In his regular service, he participated in reprisals. After his discharge from the army, he occasionally went to reserve duty, and at the outbreak of the Six-Day War, was called again. In a battle that took place in Sanhedria in Jerusalem, Gideon was injured in a mortar post, on the second day of the battles, and spent nine days fighting for his life in the hospital, until he died on the 6th of Sivan, June 14, 1967. He was buried in the cemetery, in Petah Tikva. Kibbutz Eyal published a pamphlet, in his memory, titled “Gideon.”

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