Rosenberg, Zvi (Zvika)

Rosenberg, Zvi (Zvika)

Son of Deborah and Yehuda, he was born on the 17th of Adar 2 5725 (21.3.1965) in Ramle. Zvi studied for the first three years of his elementary school in Ramle, moved to the Mishmar Ayalon school and completed the junior high school. In the next two years he continued his studies at the Armaments Division’s vocational school in Tzrifin. Zvi joined the IDF on May 20, 1982. He served in the Ordnance Corps and was sent to a course for the IAF. Two weeks after he was drafted, the Peace for Galilee War broke out. Zvi was taken out of the course and assigned as a technician in a line of armored personnel carriers, which broke out on the western axis in Lebanon and was at the forefront of the assaulting force On the third day of the war, on 18 Sivan, June 9, 1982, a direct hit was hit on the armored vehicle in which Tzvi was traveling near the town of Damur. At that time his unit was in a tactical retreat from its positions. Four soldiers were hit by a missile, remained in the area and Zvi for several days were considered missing. In the course of the war, the terrorists transferred the bodies from Beirut and handed them over to the IDF. Zvi was 17 years old, the youngest soldier in the IDF who fell. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Haifa. Zvi left behind his parents, brother and sister. The Minister of Defense wrote in a letter of condolence to his family: “Private Zvi Rosenberg gave his life for his homeland, served in the Ordnance Corps, served as a mechanic, was responsible and disciplined, performed his duties very well.” The commander of his unit wrote to his family: “Your son served in the battalion for a very short period of time, and from a brief acquaintance it was clear that a serious guy had arrived.”

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