Rosenberg, Yitzhak (Itche Cognac)

Rosenberg, Yitzhak (Itche Cognac)

Born in 1926 in the town of Kalushin, Lublin, Poland, he studied in his hometown and soon became the apprentice of his father, who was the town’s tailor and surroundings.In the Second World War, after the occupation of Poland, the Germans began the “Final Solution” In 1943, when most of the Jews in the small towns in the province had already been liquidated, Itche dug a hole in the thick of the forest for himself, and in the light hours he used to gather there and at night he went out to find food in the farmers’ farms. The arrest of his captors was great when he opened his prison door in the morning and found his cell empty When they saw Itche from their hiding place, they managed to persuade the peasant to let him into their hiding place in the stable, and after a short while they were rewarded by Itche and saved their lives as they were forced to leave the hiding place. The forest, to the home of a farmer who had been a client of his father and had all found refuge with him.the victory over the Germans, Itche returned to Lublin and worked there in every casual job, where he arrived with the flow of DPs on the Bericha routes to Germany. He dealt in the black market and smuggling business and saw a brisk force in his actions. However, despite the “good” life, he said that he intended to stop his illegal activities and immigrate to the Land of Israel. In 1948 he fulfilled his dream since arriving in Eretz Israel, and upon his arrival he joined the IDF and was assigned to the 7th Battalion of the Negev Brigade. He participated in the operation “Horev” to remove the Egyptian army from Israel, and fell in battle, on 29.12.1948 was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Nahalat Yitzhak.

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