Rosenberg, Shlomo

Rosenberg, Shlomo

Son of Gustava and Israel, was born on February 25, 1929 in Brooklyn, New York, United States. When he was 6 he immigrated to Israel with his parents and studied in Tel Aviv at the Carmel School. In 1940, his father died and he immigrated with his mother and sister to Jerusalem. Where he graduated from the Gymnasium in Rehavia. He was a devoted member of the Gordonia movement and taught there, and left it when she joined the “Mahanot Ha’olim” movement. The profession of knowledge of the country was his favorite and he traveled extensively throughout the country. When he was 13 he “forged” his age in order to be accepted into the Hagana. When he heard of the first shots in Jerusalem when the War of Independence broke out, he was sent to the Old City as one of those responsible for its defense. The British policemen with the Jewish defenders went to meet them with four friends, armed with pistols, and until the police treated them and arrested them, the rest of the members managed to hide their weapons. Languages ​​and acquired the friendship of police officers and officers, who insisted that he did not know English. He was asked to speak only Hebrew through the interpreter, like other members, and was drafted into a full-time guard duty on the Neve Ya’akov-Atarot road, where a British guard seized a car full of Arabs and two British policemen and then served in other positions. When he was injured there during the heavy Arab attack, refused to evacuate in the ambulance, saying that he was responsible for the place until the last minute, and that he fell there on the 28th of Adar 5708 (1948). He was buried in Ma’ale Hachamisha. On the 19th of Kislev 5714 (19.11.1953) he was put to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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