Rosenbaum, Yosef (“Baruch”)

Rosenbaum, Yosef (“Baruch”)

He was born in Poland. He joined the Irgun in 1939. In 1939, he took part in the organization’s first training course in Zofovka in Volhynia and was a candidate to immigrate to Eretz Israel, where he was appointed to coordinate the organization of cell members in Vilna. He saw the struggle for the state as the only justification for his continued life, and wrote in his diary: “The danger of death hangs over me every day … I chose the death of Samson – take my soul with the Philistines … Perhaps when I die, I will be of benefit to my people, for I know that my blood spilled on the land of my birthplace for the generations to come. On 1.4.1944, while he was putting up signs of the obituary in memory of a fallen comrade, a bullet escaped from his friend’s gun and it hit him. British police were summoned to the scene and began to chase the members of the organization. Yosef was transferred to Rothschild Hospital and died on 10 Nisan, April 3, 1944, and was buried in the Haifa cemetery. His name was immortalized in the books “Unknown Soldiers” and “Red Days – Memoirs of a Lehi Man.”

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