Rose, Aharon-Yitzhak

Rose, Aharon-Yitzhak

Son of-Sarah-Rivka and Avraham-Moshe was born on September 26, 1963. In London, Aharon-Yitzhak was a member of a religious family in England, and in his home he absorbed the love of Jewish heritage and the Land of Israel. For twelve years, he served as the General Director of the Chief Rabbis’ Office in England and still serves as the secretary general of the European Rabbinical Conference, and in May 1937 he studied at the Pardes Elementary School in Jerusalem, where his family moved to Israel and settled in Jerusalem, As director general of the Young Israel organization. Aharon-Yitzhak continued his studies, first at the “Horev” school, moved to the “youth camp” and after graduating from high school went to study at the “Kerem B’Yavneh” yeshiva. He was a modest, pleasant, good-natured, handsome-looking boy. In July 1982, he enlisted in the IDF and served in the Golani Brigade, where he underwent basic training as a infantry fighter and was stationed in the Jordan Valley. On November 3, 1982, he traveled on the road and between Baqa’ot and Makhula, an accident occurred. He was killed at the age of 19. He was laid to rest at Har Hamenuhot in Givat Shaul in Jerusalem, and Aharon-Yitzhak left behind his parents and three brothers, and the commander of his unit wrote to his family: “Aharon was from Toby The soldiers in his company, and fulfilled his duties faithfully and with great devotion. “The Rosh Yeshiva of Kerem B’Yavneh, where he studied, said:” He had promising talents but he also knew how to devote himself to the needs of the community and to the needs of his friends. Was the one who arranged for rabbis to be brought to his friends in the most remote places in the Jordan Valley, in order to carry out the Torah classes as they were arranged. As a representative of the soldiers, he made sure to provide all the religious services to his friends, and the soldiers’

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