Ron (Shukron), Yaakov

Ron (Shukron), Yaakov

Son of Moshe and Regina. He was born on July 24, 1941 in Sfax, Tunisia. Family Ownership In 1956, Yaakov studied at Shikmim School in Sderot and later attended the Kfar Silver Agricultural High School in Ashkelon. Jacob was close to all kinds of sports. When he was a young man, he was a member of a youth company and Gadna, and during his spare time he was engaged in reading and gardening, because he loved agriculture in all its branches. As a sniper he was ordained towards the end of 1963. He signed a permanent service and was a veteran diver with a responsible position in the submarine; He worked as a mechanic in it. From the day of his first service, he went up in the stages of the profession and the ranking, as attested by the letter of the commander of the navy to his parents, who was one of the excellent mechanics who always trusted him. He had a strong desire to learn and progress, and his friends and commanders loved him. One day he was sent to England to be part of the Dakar team and to return with them to Israel. But when “Dakar” returned to the port and was found on the sea route between Gibraltar and Israel, the connection with it was severed and again was not renewed; This was on the 24th of Tevet 5728 (25.1.1968). The Chief Military Rabbinate determined that the date of the death of Yaakov in the course of his duties together with the rest is on the 30th of Tevet 5728 (30.1.1968). Since Yaakov was among the missing team members, a memorial monument was placed inside him in a memorial to the Dakar people in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Eran Shorer brings the picture of Jacob in his book “Six Days in Decker” and also commemorates his name and memory. In his letter to the Ya’akov family mentioned above, the commander of the navy expressed his condolences in writing: “Perhaps you will find some comfort and comfort in the fact that we in the navy will never forget Jacob and in light of his memory his supreme personality will inaugurate the future generations of the Navy divers. The teacher of the institution, in his eulogies to Jacob, noted Jacob as “handsome, Yaffa and Yaffa, and a Yaffa body … a beloved disciple of his friends and teachers, Aware of every call, and is quick to help anyone in need. “The director of the institution, who wrote to Yaakov’s parents about the ceremony and the obituary to Jacob, concluded the letter: And together with our older friends, who sacrificed their lives to defend the homeland, please accept our sincere participation in your pain, which is also our great pain. “On 28.5.1999, after years of searching, Dakar “on the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, at a depth of 2900 m on its planned voyage and 250 miles from the port of Haifa. This fallen hero is a “maklan” – a hero whose burial place is unknown.

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