Ron, Abraham (“Avi”)

Ron, Abraham (“Avi”)

Son of Haim and Leah. Born on 15.8.1948 in Birewit, Germany, the family immigrated to Israel in 1949. Avraham attended the “HaTomer” elementary school, and when he graduated he began studying at the Technical High School in Kfar Galim. At the elementary school and at the beginning of the high school, he belonged to the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed youth movement, where he devoted his leisure time to the sea, and showed special attraction and spent much of his time swimming far away. To the IDF and volunteered for the navy and during his service he did not want his work to be done by others. In the Navy, he volunteered for submarine service and was ordained as a sniper in June 1967 and proved himself an excellent diver. He was popular with his commanders and friends. Avraham went to England and joined the “Dakar” team. But when the submarine was on the sea route between Gibraltar and Israel, on its way to the port, the connection was suddenly cut off and never renewed. This was on the 24th of Tevet 5728 (25.1.1968). The Chief Military Rabbinate determined that the date of Avraham’s passing, in the course of his duties together with the rest, was on January 30, 1968. Because Avraham was among the missing team members, a memorial monument was placed inside him in the memorial to the Dakar people in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. In Eran Shorer’s book “Six Days in Decker” his picture was brought there to commemorate his name and memory. On the 28th of June 1999, after years of searching, the INS Dakar submarine was found on the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, at a depth of 2,900 meters on its planned sailing route and 250 miles from the port of Haifa. A space whose burial place is unknown.

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