Robin, Arie (Penny)

Robin, Arie (Penny)

Arieh (Penny), son of Zakia and Hanun z “l, was born in 1947 in Medanin, Tunisia. His brother remembers him as a cute, playful, cheerful child. He was the middle child between his three brothers and sister, and in Tunisia he studied for three years in an elementary school. In 1957 the family immigrated to Israel after the death of the father of the family. At the beginning of 1958 Penny was sent to be educated at Ramat Hadassah, and separation from the family was very difficult for him, because he was deeply attached to his mother and brother. After a few months he was sent to Jerusalem, to the Dr. Israel Goldstein Youth Village, where he was quickly absorbed, loved Jerusalem, and became the favorite of his friends and teachers. As a player in football and volleyball. Together with his friends, he participated in marches and became the driving force in every social event and often participated in pranks and mischievous things he could do with good cheerfulness. Penny was loyal to the principles of the Zionist movement, knew his will and knew his principles. He never came into conflict with his surroundings, but continued on the path he had set for himself with his strong will. son of Masur became his mother and brother, loving his brother and sister, and was able to inspire love and security around him. Arieh was drafted into the IDF in the middle of August 1966 and was assigned to the Armored Corps. After basic training he completed basic training and was a crew member in a tank. He was then sent to a course for tank commanders, which was halted when the Six-Day War broke out. The campers were sent south and participated in battles in Sinai until the end of the war. Upon their return they completed the course and in 1968 Aryeh was promoted to the rank of sergeant, according to a special recommendation of his commanders. At the end of March 1968, while participating in Operation Karameh, he was wounded and hospitalized. He refused to inform his family of his injury, because he did not want to be treated, and only after recovering had he casually said that he had been wounded, he was hospitalized a little – and now everything is all right and nothing to worry about. On his release certificate, his commander wrote: “A dedicated soldier, good and reliable.” At the end of August 1969, Aryeh was discharged from the regular service in the IDF and decided to continue his studies, and he studied at the Institute for Productivity and Production of the Ministry of Labor, in the field of production engineering, and was an excellent student. When he arrived at exams, he would invite a number of friends to his home and prepare them for the exams, because he did not want anyone studying with him to be prepared and failing the exam. The house of a friend, to help him in Lima When his sister-in-law was confined to her bed due to illness, he treated her with great devotion, he did not let her do anything until the brother returned home, and the two of them In the house of his brother, Pani met his girlfriend, Leah, who was a relative of his sister-in-law, and at the end of 1972. He was a very loving and devoted husband and was not Simcha with him when he learned that he was to become a father soon. In the “Ha’argaz” factory and in his work he excelled in diligence, quick perception, devotion and joy of life, which were unique immediately. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, the brothers and their families were with their mother. Penny said goodbye to his wife, who was in her last months of pregnancy, from his mother and brother, and felt his soul in him for his unit. The family did not know where he went, what unit he was sent to, and where he was. HisWho had been waiting for a few days in a front base on the Golan Heights with nothing to do and worry. On the fourth day, when two men were missing the crew of one of the tanks, Penny and his father’s friend immediately jumped out and volunteered to leave with a unit to which they did not belong. The force fought and penetrated into the Syrian enclave and on the 16th of Tishrei 5734 (October 12, 1973), as the force entered the Beit Jan Jezreel, the tank was hit by a missile and all its crew members were killed. The family, waiting for news from the husband and son, did not know until months later. All the while Arya seemed to be gone and everyone hoped he might come back. After three and a half months it was decided with certainty that Penny had fallen that day. He was brought to eternal rest in the Lod cemetery. He left behind a wife and son, a mother, three brothers and a sister. After his fall, he was promoted to First Sergeant. To commemorate his memory, his family donated a Torah scroll and a parochet to the synagogue; The family also published a pamphlet in his memory and the memory of his wife, who was killed in a car accident two years after the fall of Aryeh.

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