Rivlin, Eliyahu Yehoshua

Rivlin, Eliyahu Yehoshua

Son of Simcha Toibe (Yonah) and Abraham Benjamin. He has been a respected and rooted family in Israel since 1808. His father was a member of the “old Yishuv”, where he established and managed the general soup kitchen in Jerusalem. Eliyahu Yehoshua, who was an assistant to the pharmacist, was careful about his dress and the nobility of his appearance. At the outbreak of the First World War, a general mobilization order was issued in Israel for physicians, pharmacists and their assistants. Eliyahu Yehoshua, who was sent to serve in Be’er Sheva. Due to poor sanitary and hygiene conditions in the Turkish army, a cholera epidemic broke out among the soldiers. Eliyahu Yehoshua, who treated them, contracted the disease and on 21 Iyar, May 24, 1916, he died of his illness and was buried in the Jewish cemetery in Be’er Sheva. He left parents, two sisters and a brother. Eliahu Yehoshua is commemorated in the book “The Book of Attitude” by the Rivlin family, in the book “Jerusalem and Tevel”, “From the Mandary of the Sniri” and in the article by Ilan Gal-Peer. His burial place is unknown. His tombstone was taken for secondary use by the residents and was found in the wall of an Arab house after the War of Independence.

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