Rimon (Greenbaum), Amnon

Rimon (Greenbaum), Amnon

Amnon, son of Rachel and Israel Yechiel z “l, was born on February 20, 1940 in Lebanon, Amnon was drafted into the IDF at the beginning of August 1958 and assigned to the Armored Corps. After completing basic training, he completed a tank training course and a course in combat operations, where he was sent to an officer’s course and later took part in a course for armored corps officers, and when he arrived at the beginning of February 1961 he volunteered for a career of a year and a half. It says: “Excellent, dedicated, responsible officer. Performs all his functions faithfully. With the ability to organize and perseverance. With excellent command capability. His achievements are high. “At the end of July 1962, Amnon decided to go to civilian life, and despite his commanders’ pleas for a bright future in the army, he decided to take his wife, Ronit, while he was still in the army. Amnon began to work as a junior clerk at the Dead Sea Works, and his tendency to learn the difficult and consistent way of doing so was evident, thanks to his inexhaustible diligence, devotion and talents, and quickly rose to the rank of head of the manpower department. And he was always looking for new challenges, and so he moved to Herzliya with a great honor – a wife and Three children – Guy, Shiri and Dori – all in Tel Aviv – all the rest of the company, “Dead Sea Works”, and he chose a new area of ​​business – marketing, and quickly rose to the top of the ranks until he became assistant manager of the marketing department. , And a natural ability to make the right connections with people – from the senior managers to the low officials – although he devoted many hours to his work, he did not abandon his family, and his wife and children gave him the best of everything from work to family life and raising children. From time to time, attempts were made to convince him that he would undergo a battalion commander course, but he refused to neglect his civilian work. During the Yom Kippur War, he served as a battalion commander on the northern front, on the 8th of Tishrei, 5734 (October 8, 1973), with tanks to the Syrian positions near the village of Nafach.waslaid to rest In the Haifa cemetery, and left behind a wife and three children, a mother and a sister,

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