Right, Carmela

Right, Carmela

Carmela, daughter of Ruth and Tzion z “l, was born on June 8, 1954, in the” Sha’ar Ha’Aliya “immigrants’ transit camp. Carmela spent two years with her parents, from Iraq, in the barracks of the transit camp. In 1956 the family moved to an apartment in Haifa’s Camp David, and Carmela attended the Nirim Elementary School. Afterward, she studied at the Ironi Aleph High School in Kiryat Eliezer and successfully passed the matriculation exams. Carmi – as the father called his eldest daughter Zion – was a Yaffa baby. In the early years of the right-wing couple in Israel – years of acclimatization and adjustment – Karmela was a ray of light and hope for her parents. According to the stories of her brothers and sisters, who were born in Israel, she was the daughter of the father and the right hand of the mother. She helped with the various housework, took care of her little brothers, and added heartily to the family atmosphere in the house. The father, who was a public figure and head of the local council in the Camp David, was at the top of his ambition to provide a high education for his children, in order to open many possibilities for them in their lives. Carmela invested her full devotion and dedication to her studies, and was a source of pride for her parents. There was great love for the sea. In her diary one can often find the sentence: “Today I did not go to school … I went to the sea …” She spent many days on the beach, loved to swim and run along the beach. She occasionally took her younger sisters to the “rock beach” in front of her house. Carmela knew well enough: the help at home and the homework were ahead of the sea. Carmela was a lively and sociable girl. She spent a lot of time with her friends at the youth club at the David camp and in high school, and took part in trips and trips in the framework of the Gadna, where she was a mature and responsible young girl, 1973. Prior to the mobilization of doubts and reflections; She wanted to continue her studies and was enrolled, with her father’s encouragement, in a teachers ‘and kindergarten teachers’ seminary. However, near the beginning of the school year, she regretted, mainly under the influence of the companies that had already been recruited, and decided to fulfill her duty to the IDF Two weeks after she was drafted and was in the midst of her basic training, her father died suddenly Carmela, who had hoped to be proud of her father as a soldier in the basic training, Carmela served in the Armored Corps, was close to the house and became the “father of the family.” After working at the base, she taught elementary school students to help finance her brother’s expenses. And the education of her younger brothers, and she spoiled her sisters with gifts, the mother, who had difficulty with the burden of earning a living , Appealed to Carmela’s commanders and asked for her release from the IDF. The request was not granted and its release was delayed and postponed. She continued to serve as a female clerk and did her job well. Instead of her service, Carmela stood out for her talent, efficiency and responsibility. She was also very good at her appearance. Later, she was also a model for a beauty consultant. On Thursday, February 28, 1974, Carmela traveled from a base in the north of Israel to the main platoon in the south, where she died in a fatal car accident and died while serving. Following her condolences to the bereaved family, the unit commander wrote: “In spite of her difficult family situation, Carmela was exalted and devoted to all the tasks she was assigned to, and she was always willing to respond to any request and request from the reservists belonging to the unit. There is no doubt in my mind that this behavior was used by Carmela, a model and model for the other female soldiers in the unit. “Carmel’s family She donated a Torah scroll to the Sephardic synagogue “Kaddoshei Babel” in Givat Hamoreh

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