Riggorodsky, Noah

Riggorodsky, Noah

He was born in 1899 in Transylvania and was considered a “brave Jew” in his town. During the riots that accompanied the Russian revolution, he organized self-defense in the town and he was only about 20 years old. In 1919 he immigrated to Eretz Israel and joined the Haganah .His talents, his will, and his energy made him the rank of worker in the railway bridges department – to the rank of engineer in the Israel Railways. Despite his high standing, he always supported the workers. He was offered a government position in Africa, but he did not agree. “Here I am missing for the minyan, and there I am redundant. ” Noah was shot to death near the workshops near the train station in Haifa, on 14 Elul, September 20, 1938. He was laid to rest in Haifa and left an old mother in Bessarabia.

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