Rice, Ziv

Rice, Ziv

Son of Esther and Abraham, brother of Ronen. Was born at the end of the Yom Kippur War, on 14 November 1973, at the Hakirya Hospital in Tel Aviv. A lovely and beautiful child, the youngest in the family, all of whom loved to indulge. In the elementary school he attended and in the junior high school, Ziv did not stand out as a brilliant or outstanding student, and the teachers repeated at the parents’ meetings that “he does not take advantage of his abilities, and he is capable of more.” This was reflected at the end of the junior high school when his average grade did not allow him to be accepted to ORT Singalovski, and Ziv was forced to compromise and register for the ORT Technicom in Givatayim for automation and control. At this stage, Ziv was filled with ambition, changed gear, and succeeded. He completed his senior year as an outstanding graduate, and continued to study for a technician degree at ORT SINGLOVSKI, where he moved to ORT Braude in Carmiel, and completed him as an outstanding engineer Ziv joined the IDF in July 1991. He served in one of the most important technical departments in the headquarters A senior ordnance officer, and was involved in absorbing new weapons and implementing unique methods of maintenance, and Ziv was recognized as a strict and responsible person, so his commanders chose him to be part of a small team. By his commanders against a professional and a high personal level, who did his job well Ziv was meticulous and thorough in everything he did: he was gifted with excellent technical understanding, initiative and gold and was highly motivated, and he managed all his activities modestly and quietly. , And although he spent many hours studying at the Open University for a bachelor’s degree in economics and management, he always found time to spend time, loved music and knew how to dance for all the butchers. In the last few years of his life, he began writing his hand – writing short stories and beautiful melodies, mostly love songs. Ziv was very fond of his friends. He always found time for anyone who needed help of any kind – from soul-searching and advice, to pat on the back when needed, to help with various technical matters, such as installing electricity-related systems or helping friends who moved to everyone and to find time. Ziv was killed in a road accident that occurred on the morning of Friday, September 11, 1998, at 10:40 am, between the intersection of Masovim and the pilots road, according to the police report. He was twenty-five years old at the time of his death and Ziv left behind his parents and brother, who was laid to rest in the Kiryat Shaul military cemetery.

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