Rice, Ron (“Ronnie”)

Rice, Ron (“Ronnie”)

Son of Mirko and Leah. He was born on 19.1.1957 in Haifa. He completed his elementary studies at the David Yellin Elementary School in Haifa and completed his high school studies at the Biram School in the city. He was a good and alert student and graduated very successfully. Ronny was educated and grew up in a port city. The sea and nature left their mark on his sensitive soul. Wrote poems full of emotion, especially in the months before his death. Ron enlisted in the IDF in August 1975 and was assigned to the Intelligence Corps, where he underwent secret courses and served in secret positions, serving in the Northern Sector and in the Northern Command, Ron fell in line with his duties on 18 Tamuz 5737 (4.7.1977), who was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa, left behind his parents and brother, and Ron was promoted to the rank of sergeant: “Roni was a valiant youth with a clear national consciousness, a close friend, Disciplined and well organized. Ronny was a man of vision and horizons. worldwide. He was interested in every technological issue, in everything related to the hidden and the hidden, and was very knowledgeable about issues related to his military role. We used to see him running and exercising, holding the slogan: ‘A healthy mind in a healthy body’. He was loved by his comrades-in-arms. In his memory, he carries one of the cells that served his name ‘Roni.’ “His family transferred the personal commemoration grant to the Association for the Commemoration of Martyrs of the Intelligence Corps.

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