Reznik, Abraham

Reznik, Abraham

Son of Sarah and Aryeh. He was born on February 10, 1920 in Bereza Kartoska, Poland. He graduated from elementary school, and in 1935 immigrated with his family to Eretz Israel. The family settled in Afula and since it was hard to find a livelihood at that time, Avraham went to work paving the roads. During his free time he studied Hebrew and completed his education. He later joined the Hagana organization in Afula and was active in it. He was known as a quiet, modest and pleasant boy. In September 1940, together with some of his friends from Afula, he enlisted in the British Transport Unit 462 in the British army, and participated in heavy fighting in North Africa. On 21 Tamuz, July 6, 1942, a few days after returning home from vacation, he was killed in an air strike. He was brought to rest in the main cemetery of the Allied armies in El Alamein. His family made great efforts to bring his body to burial in Ishal, but all their efforts failed and he remained buried in the Western Desert.

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