Resnick, Yair (Yairke)

Resnick, Yair (Yairke)

Yair, son of Chava and Jacob Resnick, was born on 17.1.1930 in Haifa. Yair served in the Palmach from the age of 15, participated in various courses, including an officer’s course in Delia, and was a youth instructor who beloved by his students for his simplicity, honesty and deep love for the people and the country, and his exemplary loyalty. Yair enlisted in June 1948, served in the Harel Brigade and participated in operations against the Iraqis in Nazla. His devotion to fulfilling his duty that knew no bonds and preceded everything else. He was loved by both his comrades-in-arms and his superiors. During Operation “Horev” to remove the Egyptian army from Israel, in January 1949, he headed the platoon that occupied the Rafah border, he was an example to his men, despite the difficult conditions he fought with courage. His platoon was hit by a cluster of enemy machine guns, and Yair fell on the 2nd of Teves, January 3, 1949. Yair was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Givat HaShlosha.

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