Resnick, Gabriel (“Gabi”)

Resnick, Gabriel (“Gabi”)

Their son was the firstborn of Jacob and Chana. Born on July 18, 1947 in Jerusalem, he studied at the Chaim Arlosoroff Elementary School and in the real direction of the Yitzhak son of-Zvi Hebrew Gymnasium in Jerusalem, and from childhood he was quiet, humble, and self-contained. He was interested in nuclear physics, but he did not neglect other branches of science and technology, and he was fascinated by his hobbies: he photographed, raised fish in the aquarium and built model models, mainly science and technique books. And was considered an excellent student, and his teachers always praised him for the cleanliness of his handwriting, his notebooks, and more His teacher at the Gymnasium wrote about him and his quiet and serious figure that was kept in his memory: “The desire to stand out was from him, but his friends and teachers were accepted as a responsible youth that was given To trust him – he had access to every subject he was involved in. “Gabriel was drafted into the IDF in August 1965 and volunteered to serve in the air force. He participated in the Six-Day War and reached the rank of sergeant. Shortly after that, he was released from the IDF and began his studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in mathematics and physics, where he was a smart student and knew what was the main point of the study material. In the third week of August 1969, he was called to active duty in reserve duty on August 31, 1969. He was seriously injured while carrying out his duties and died of his wounds, and was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. To his parents in a letter of condolence, in his own name and in the name of the entire unit, to say: “He is Bell Favorably as soldier and commander intelligent, quiet and devoted his qualities and his willingness to help his friends. One friend told him that Gabriel was rich in knowledge and aware of everything that had happened in the world, and that he was not very much about himself, but his friends tended to pour out their hearts to him and he He helped him in his time and needed to keep a secret, he did not go to parties and fun, and sat at home and immersed himself in his favorite books – the mathematics and physics books.

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