Reiter, Yerucham

Reiter, Yerucham

Son of Roza and Pinchas. From Poland he moved to Montreal, Canada, where he was a member of the Poalei Zion youth movement and in 1933 immigrated to Eretz Israel and joined the Degania group. His desire to participate in a settlement activity from his inception led him to lend a hand to the establishment of the new settlement of Afikim, where he took root, worked in various jobs, and at the end was a member of the Hagana in the kibbutz. On 1 Tamuz (25.7.1940) he was seriously injured in an attack by Italian enemy planes on the Haifa port. Yerucham died of his wounds in the hospital and was buried in Kibbutz Afikim. He was 28 when he died.

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