Reiner, Menachem (Emanuel, Manny)

Reiner, Menachem (Emanuel, Manny)

Menachem (Emanuel, Manny), the son of Esther and Yisrael Reiner, was born on January 17, 1915, in Berlin, Germany, where he completed his studies in a commercial secondary school. He immigrated to Israel in 1933 and settled in Tel Aviv. Menachem was a member of the Hagana and fulfilled every task assigned to him. With the outbreak of the War of Independence he enlisted, served in the Carmeli Brigade and served as a member of the Haganah, He participated in the battles to liberate the Galilee. Menachem fell in the” Balaton Hill “outpost near Tarshiha on the 7th of Tishrei, 5709 (October 10, 1948) in a nighttime operation. He was 34 years old. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Nahariya. He left behind a wife, Shifra, and a child.

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