Reig, Kalman

Reig, Kalman

Son of Reizel and Mordechai. He was born in Leipzig, Germany, on September 2, 1916. He received a religious education and was a member of the Youth Union of the Mizrachi Youth and later joined the Alliance of Religious Pioneers. After undergoing a training course in a yeshiva in the city of Frankfurt, he went to agricultural training in Italy. On the eve of Pesach 5695, Kalman immigrated to Eretz Israel and joined the village of Kfar Yavetz and was among the defenders of the village at the beginning of the 1936 riots and was on guard day and night. He immigrated to Eretz Israel with his friends to the settlement of Homa and Migdal, and was one of the founders of Kibbutz Tirat Zvi, where he worked in all the branches of agriculture and was able to cope with all the difficulties of acclimatization in the Beit Shean Valley. He was one of the good guys who were devoted to the group and to her idea with all their might. He was handsome and demanding, and on the day of Tu B’Av 5707 (August 1, 1947), while on a kibbutz mission in Tel Aviv, he was killed by bullets of British soldiers and policemen who raided Tel Aviv. He was buried in the cemetery in his kibbutz Tirat Zvi.

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