Reich, Dan (“Danny”)

Reich, Dan (“Danny”)

Son of Zvi and Ayala. He was born on April 25, 1945 in Ramat Gan. He completed his studies at the Katznelson Elementary School in Givatayim and later attended the Kalai High School and graduated with honors. He continued to study at the Popular University in Tel Aviv. He belonged to the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed movement and was a guide there. Many of his plans were to continue his studies and develop his many talents. He was diligent and devoted to his friends and acquaintances. Was interested in literature and music, and his final work attests to deep thought; He then wrote on the subject: “Life in settlement – problems and problems reflected in Hebrew literature from the period of ‘Tower and Stockade’ until the War of Independence.” Participated in the national test in the Bible, organized and organized the “Snir” core among students who graduated from the Kalai School in Giv’atayim and were in contact with Kibbutz Yiftach in the Upper Galilee and was recruited to the IDF in July 1963, He immigrated to Israel with his friends on the ground in the Arava and established the Nahal paramilitary unit in Grofit, where he served as a paratrooper and served as a model for his comrades-in-arms, and fell on duty on the 15th of Adar 5725 (February 15, 1965) and was brought to rest at home The Military Cemetery in Kiryat Shaul A year after his death, a booklet appeared in his memory and a rifle from his mouth – his poems, his writings and his writings – was published in Uri Milstein’s book “Wars of the Paratroopers.”

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