Razital, Yador

Razital, Yador

Son of Shmuel and Tzipora. He was born on Wednesday, July 5, 1935, in Givatayim, where he studied elementary studies, and after graduating he studied high school and completed his studies in Hanoar Haoved, and when he graduated from high school in 1953. He was a member of Kibbutz Beit Guvrin, where he took a wife and had a daughter, and besides his agricultural and grazing work, he was the secretary-general of Kibbutz Gesher, But in October 1961 the family left the farm and in 1962 began studying at the Faculty of Accounting at the Tel Aviv University branch. He was the secretary of the “Amal” print school in Tel Aviv and recently in the Tel Aviv municipality, and he was known as a lover of nature and aspiring to nature, as a lover of archeology and geology. Wrote a journal entitled “From the Diary of a Beginner,” published in Ma’arachot in 1954, which was a certain record for him, even though he never boasted of his talent for writing and singing. He also wrote notes in the weekly of Hakibbutz Hameuhad, “On the Kibbutz,” on the caves of Bet-Guvrin and more. While still at Bet Guvrin, he tried to perpetuate every interesting moment in photography – not just photography, but photographs that were stamped with art. “I like cloudy skies and shadows,” he said, and various artistic photographs that remained in his estate. When he arrived with his family and daughters to the big city and began studying energetically at the university and dealing with other matters, he did not abandon his great loves for photography and writing – and his family, his daughters would occasionally dedicate his time to reading Robinson Carusoe and the book “Genesis” Paintings and tells them about the kibbutz. He was a good man and a quiet type that reassured all around him. He enjoyed helping others and feeling good in the sun when he was dining for his friend. After his discharge from the service, he was called from time to time for reserve duty and his painted postcards for his daughters (“so that the children knew that between bullets and thunder, Father ran for them and went to war”) testify to his immense love for them. He wrote in melancholy rhymes to his wife and once wrote with old cynicism: “The important documents (including the insurance policy, ha ha ha) will be left to you.” On the tenth anniversary of their marriage, he received the order for reserve service in preparation for the Six-Day War, and with admiration he said to his wife: “Do you know what the IDF is? This is a tremendous, tremendous force. “In the letter he remembered to bless her when they arrived together for ten Simcha years of marriage, a social factor that united his unit and had a good spirit in his department, but on the first day of the war-fighting, on the 26th of Iyar 5727 (June 6, 1967) Was found with the assailants in the head of the soldiers in the role of paramedic, when the battle was fought in the Sheikhan Shevan-Eunis region, where he fell, and the Southern Command’s GOC Southern Command was singled out as a “personal example.” On June 5, 1967, , Under a heavy fire he jumped into a ditch with wounded people, helped them and continued to run under fire to help other wounded. While he was running to help the injured man, he was killed. “, leaving a wife and two young girls. Was laid to rest in the Kiryat Shaul Military Cemetery in the Tel Aviv Printing High School in Tel Aviv. On the first anniversary of Ya’adur’s death, the family published a booklet in his memory, and later published a book in his memory, which was published by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and its student union,The legacy of the sons who fell in Israel’s wars – “Goalei Ash”, Volume IV.

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