Razforker, Shai

Razforker, Shai

Ben Hanna and Yehuda. He was born on 16.1.1972 in Ramle. At the end of his elementary studies he continued at the Torah-Ora yeshiva in Ramle and at the “Youth Center” high school in the mechanics track. Shai was a good and lively boy who loved to help everyone. Prior to his enlistment in the IDF, Shay worked for Maman and the El Al company. Shai was very attached to his family and felt great responsibility for his parents and his brothers. His father, an IDF veteran, suffered a shock in the Yom Kippur War and carried these scars throughout the years, and it was important for Shai to support his family, to be close to his parents, and to help support the family. At the beginning of September 1990, Shay was drafted into the army and was sent to the Armored Corps course in Sheshpon. According to his commander, Shai was well integrated into the unit, was very motivated and aspired to advance in his profession, and his friends at the base said that Shai was a good, quiet, thoughtful and loving person. ) Shai was killed while serving in the military cemetery in Ramle, and was survived by his parents, brother – Jonathan, and sister – And a cushion. The family perpetuated his memory book of the Torah, which contributed to the Knesset Shai World Ashdod.

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