Raz (Reisner), Elchanan

Raz (Reisner), Elchanan

Son of Ephraim and Bluma. He was born on December 11, 1943 in Beit She’arim. It was the end of World War II. He spent his childhood during the War of Independence. In Beit She’arim, he studied elementary school and Kiryat Tivon – high school. At first Elhanan said he would study at the Nahalal agricultural school, but when he decided to go to high school in Tivon he did so with his characteristic seriousness. From the dawn of his youth there were two main features: seriousness and thoroughness. In every job he did in the agriculture, they were stamped with the seal of these qualities. It had a wonderful mixture of strong will and seriousness on the one hand and humor, and joy of life and mischief on the other. He was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in August 1962 and served in the Israel Air Force as a pilot, and with great enthusiasm, he approached the subject, read material about the pilot in pamphlets and books and learned the profession very well and was indeed Simcha when he passed the tests and tests successfully and was accepted to an aviation course. But he did not try to hold him back because they knew what he was determined to do in this way, he was not easy in the air force and he was full of exhausting training and many studies, but he received it all in good spirits. Then he began to think and wonder about Adam and God, and for a while he was also interested in religion Hahnafim overcame this crisis and was absorbed in his studies with great passion, and he completed the course with honors and in the Order of the Wings he was the outstanding trainee and reached the rank of lieutenant, who at the time also found his happiness alive and knew his future wife. The days were then a tense period of border-related incidents, but whenever he could, with his good smile in his eyes, he knew that the parents were anxious and during his visits he would reassure them.In the days leading up to the Six-Day War, when there was fear of the Egyptian bombers, He would say, “Do not worry, Dad, they will not come here.” Thus, his life and the life of his parents continued until 28 Kislev 5728 (December 1, 1967) – and the parents waited for him as usual every week. But then he fell with his plane over the Gulf of Suez. He left a wife in her pregnancy and after falling, he had a son. Since his body was not found, a monument was erected in his memory for the missing-persons section of the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. His family published a booklet in his memory called Elchanan. This fallen hero is a “maklan” – a hero whose burial place is unknown.

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