Ratnovsky, Gideon

Ratnovsky, Gideon

Son of Jacob and Bracha. He was born on 30.10.1948 in Rishon Letzion and studied at the Be’eri School and at the Reali High School in Rishon Letzion. As a child, he loved the chess game and found great thought. Knowledgeable people predicted a bright future for him and called him a “prodigy.” During his free time he played basketball and table tennis, which he loved very much. Apart from the real professions, he loved geography very much and was interested in politics. While studying and preparing for the matriculation exams he also studied bookkeeping, and even worked as a substitute for teaching the real professions at the school. Gideon was drafted into the IDF in February 1968 and assigned to the Armored Corps during his service as a dedicated and disciplined soldier on 7 March 1970, fell in the area of ​​the Suez Canal in the shelling of the enemy and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Rishon Letzion. The commander of the unit sent a condolence letter to the family, saying: “Gideon, who fell while carrying out a combat mission, was among the best in my unit, and as his commander I can point out that he stood out among his comrades mainly in his professional knowledge, courage, dedication, and sacrifice, Was admired and accepted by commanders and soldiers alike. ” To commemorate him, a blood bank was established in Rishon Letzion

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