Rapoport, David

Rapoport, David

, son of Tuvia and Chaya Rapaport, was born in Tel Aviv on SepteDavidmber 14, 1931. From early on in his youth he showed leadership qualities and between the ages of 14 and 15 he was active in the Gadna, even before his enlistment in the IDF. David was drafted into the IDF as part of the Nahal Brigade in January 1950. Afterwards he was transferred to training positions and from there he was transferred to the school as a guide, where he was loved by both his subordinates and his commanders. David remained there until his last day. David fell during his duty on the 9th of Shevat, December 18, 1950 and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Gan Hefer, where his father lived.

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