Ran (Mimran), Haim

Ran (Mimran), Haim

Son of Juliet and Joseph. Chaim was born in Strasbourg, France on July 7, 1929. At the age of fourteen, he immigrated to Israel. As soon as he immigrated to Israel he changed his date of birth so that they would agree to enlist him in the Palmach, and he did contribute to the Palmach and contributed to many activities, one of which was even wounded. After the establishment of the State of Israel, Chaim was drafted into the IDF and was involved in missions that had little to do with secrecy, and Haim particularly enjoyed his service in the Armored Corps, where he served as a battalion commander and a staff officer. Over the years, he took part in all of Israel’s wars, and in the Peace for Galilee War, even though he contracted a serious illness and was already very ill during that period. Chaim was discharged from the army, but after a long experience as a civilian, he returned to uniform, this time to the Israel Police as the Operations and Training Officer of the Civil Guard in the Central District. Haim’s friends tell of a devoted and loyal family man, a trusted friend and friend, and an experienced and responsible officer who was a volunteer. Chaim was at the height of his work when his Lev betrayed him and he surrendered on the 29th of Shevat 5726 (February 8, 1986). Chief Superintendent Haim fell during his service. He was fifty-seven years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Nes Tziona. The head of the Civil Guard wrote about Chaim, in a personal letter to the family: “A straight, devoted and loyal man who did everything he was entrusted with full and honorable responsibility.” Chaim was among the first rank of senior officers in the Civil Guard and was one of the first “

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