Rahal, Ibrahim

Rahal, Ibrahim

Ben Sabha and Hassan. Ibrahim was born on June 19, 1967 in the Al-Heib tribe in the Beit Netofa Valley. In his eleven-year-old family he was the third child. He was educated in his village Ramat Heib, where he attended elementary school. He continued to study at the ORT high school in Nazareth, and when he reached the 11th grade he had to leave his studies and go to work to help support the family, and he loved to travel the hills and valleys surrounding his village. And after the formation of the paratroopers, he was posted to the May Company of the 890th Battalion. During those years, few of the Bedouins were accepted into compulsory service in the IDF in general and the Paratroopers in particular. , Served along the route in the 52nd Regiment Regiment of 1st Platoon, and was the best fighter in the company, in addition to being an excellent infantry fighter.Although the difficulty in language, Ibrahim did not give up, And completed an arduous course in the paratroopers, which included exhausting summer training and night parachutes, in addition to operational operations in southern Lebanon … A great pride filled him when he came home with the wings and the red cap. ” At the end of the course, Ibrahim passed a training course in Battalion 450 and received the rank of sergeant, and his paratroopers knew how to tell about a proud Bedouin, an excellent soldier and parachutist, And four of his 10 brothers also served in the police and Border Police, and Ibrahim served in several places, and his last service was in Nablus, and Ibrahim was promoted to the rank of First Sergeant. He was loved by his comrades in the unit and by his commanders, and in 1988 he married Ibrahim Where he was killed in a car accident and died on the spot on July 10, 1993. On July 10, 1993, when Ibrahim returned from duty, Ibrahim was injured in a car accident and died instantly. He was buried at the cemetery of Arab al-Heib, and left behind a woman Fatma, four children – Abir, Izzat, Hassan and Rami, Sabha and Hassan, and ten brothers and sisters – Karima, Aziza, , Noah, Yunis, Muhammad, As’ad and Mas’ud.

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