Raful, Avraham (Albert)

Raful, Avraham (Albert)

Avraham, son of Bahira and Yosef Raful, was born in Syria in April 1925 and studied in the Talmud Torah in Aleppo. In May 1945 he immigrated to Israel as an immigrant through the mountains of Syria and joined the Beit Yehoshua group. During the Second World War, he enlisted in the Jewish Brigade, served in France, the Netherlands, and Belgium and worked there after he was released. Upon his return to Israel, he joined the Haganah in Jerusalem and in mid-January 1948 he was called to a full conscription. Avraham participated actively in the battles of South Jerusalem, in an act of detachment through Bethlehem and the campaign on Sheikh Jarrah, Neve Ya’akov and Atarot. On March 27, 1948, he was in the Nebi-Daniel convoy, which brought supplies to Gush Etzion. He participated in all the battles in Gush Etzion and fell on 5 Iyar (13.5.1948). On 17.11.1949 he was transferred to eternal rest, together with the other victims of the Gush, at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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