Rafiko, Shimon

Rafiko, Shimon

Ben Chaya and Avraham. Born on June 12, 1915, in the city of Jasen Balita, – Shimon joined the IDF at the end of August 1953 and served as a military chaplain in a career army. He served in various military rabbinate bases, was the military rabbi of Tel Aviv, the military rabbi of the Central Command, the head of the kashrut department, and served as the chief rabbi of the IDF, He was promoted to the rank of colonel, and his commanders greatly admired him and did not spare him praise and praise: “A model military rabbi, an honorary figure, a dear man.” “A rabbi who has proven his effectiveness in the units and command posts.” “Highly responsible and dedicated to his tasks with perseverance and perseverance, helps to solve the problems with great efficiency.” A professional with experience in the rabbinate, who has exceptional ability to speak things, especially outstanding in Halachah and religious preaching, Which is related to his position. “On June 7, 1980, Colonel Shimon Rufiko died of his illness and was brought to rest in the civil cemetery in Nahalat Yitzhak. He left behind a wife and a daughter.

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