Radomyslski, Moshe Shmuel

Radomyslski, Moshe Shmuel

Son of Yaffa and Bezalel. He was born on May 4, 1925 in Tel Aviv. He studied at the “Tachkemoni” elementary school in Tel Aviv, and then moved to a vocational school and acquired the framework profession. In addition to his studies, Moshe Shmuel was a member of the Bnei Akiva youth movement. After completing his studies, he moved to Zrifin (then Sarafand) and worked in his profession for the British army. Moshe was very active in the ranks of the Lehi (under the nickname “Uri”), which he came from the “Young Maccabee” movement, but maintained complete silence regarding his military activity. He was also involved in the Lehi operations to confiscate money at the Barclays-Discount Bank in Tel Aviv in early 1946. His friends remember that he was a courageous and ready for whatever was called. On 19 Sivan, June 18, 1946, Moshe Shmuel fell in an attack by the Lehi on the train workshops at the entrance to Kfar Ata, near Haifa, three weeks before he was to be married. He was buried in the Haifa cemetery. He is mentioned in “Unknown Soldiers”.

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