Rabi’a, David

Rabi’a, David

Son of Ezra and Simchah. He was born in Iraq in 1944. He immigrated to Israel with his family in 1951. He attended elementary school in Magdiel and found his life in Dubek Ltd. In February 1963 he was drafted into the IDF and from time to time he went to reserve duty and again was called to serve in the Six-Day War, where he fell in a battle near Um-Katef, Sinai, when a tank shell hit a direct hit at the Trade Ministry in which he was found; It was on the third day of its battles, on the 28th of Iyar 5727 (7.6.1967). left a wife and a baby born about a week before his father sank. David contributed greatly to raising the spirit of his unit and crystallizing it. He was laid to rest in the emergency military cemetery in Bari and was later transferred to the eternal rest of the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. His name was immortalized in the book “Gunner in Battle” by the chief artillery officer’s headquarters.

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