Ra’anan, David (“Didi”)

Ra’anan, David (“Didi”)

Son of Shmuel and Ruth. He was born on May 3, 1945 in Ein Harod. From a very young age he stood out for his activity, his talents and his sharp intelligence. After completing his studies at the joint school in Ein Harod (Ichud), he decided to go to train in the movement because he wanted to fulfill his duty to the movement and wanted to taste a taste of life outside the agriculture. He belonged to the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed movement and was a counselor at the branch in Givat Nesher. During this period he matured greatly. At the end of his training year, he went to serve in the IDF in August 1964, and turned to Letas, who always aspired to something special. 1965), was killed in the course of his duties and brought to rest in the cemetery in Ein Harod, where the Ein Harod farm published a diary devoted entirely to his memory, and the “Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed” branch, On his 20th birthday, about four months after he fell, the agriculture published a pamphlet in his memory.

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