Ptarenker, Yitzhak Ya’akov

Ptarenker, Yitzhak Ya’akov

Son of Bracha and Zalman. He was born in 1904 in Dalshech, Galicia. In 1925 he immigrated with his parents, brothers and sisters to Palestine, and the family settled in Neve Sha’anan in Haifa. Yitzhak was a watchmaker by profession, but wanted to take part in the building and defense of the country and therefore worked as a laborer in the “Nesher” quarries and joined the ranks of the Haganah. After he married a wife and established a family, he moved to Nesher. During the 1936-1939 riots there were many harassments in the Nesher neighborhood from the nearby Arab village of Balad al-Sheikh. On 9 Nisan, April 2, 1938, shots were fired from the village to the neighborhood, and Yitzhak rushed out with his cradle with his two-year-old son, was wounded by a bullet, rushed to a hospital and died of his wounds. He was buried in the cemetery in Haifa, left a wife and son, parents and seven brothers and sisters.

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