Pruzhinin, Moshe

Pruzhinin, Moshe

Son of Sarah-Gittel and Kalman. Born in 1888 in Bobruisk, Russia, his family had a large estate with a brick factory and a large farm, and Moshe studied in a Russian primary school, where he grew up to be a strong boy and an outstanding athlete. He enlisted in the army of the Czar, and in 1913, after completing his army service, he settled in Karkur where he excelled at work and in guard duty, and volunteered for the Jewish Legion of the First Battalion of the Jewish Brigade at the end of World War I. When he was released from the battalion, he returned to Karkur and joined the regime. On 18 Kislev (29.11.1920), on the way from Hadera to Karkur, near the village of Cherkas, he was shot by an Arab from ambush and killed, and was laid to rest in the cemetery in Zichron Ya’akov. He left parents, two brothers and three sisters. The circumstances of his downfall are written in the books “Ahuza Aleph – London – Karkur” and “People and Sharks, Kibbutz Hashomer Hatzair, Ein Shemer” and in the newspaper “Haaretz.” I

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