Proper, Yehuda (Max)

Proper, Yehuda (Max)

Son of Regina and Rudolf, was born in September 1923 in the city of Teplitz-Yenau, Czechoslovakia, and grew up in Prague in his parents’ home, which served as a center for Zionist activities and a hostel for guests from Israel, his father was a bank manager and a member of Poalei Zion, He was one of the founders of the “Free Zionist Association” in Prague, where he was educated as a young high school student who was very interested in philosophy and social problems in a way that did not suit his age, and against his parents’ desire to draw weight from weighty books and magazines. Yehuda over the age of the recipients of certificates (immigration certificates) within the framework of Youth Aliya and therefore sent him (The parents were taken during the war to the Theresienstadt camp and from there to extermination.) On September 1, 1939, at the outbreak of the Second World War, he arrived at the shore of Tel- Aviv and was held with the rest of the following for 10 days in the Zrifin camp, where he went to the Youth Aliyah Training Center in Kibbutz Dgania Aleph and from there went to the Jewish Brigade to join the British Army and then to the Jewish Brigade. Served for 5 years in the Western Desert, Egypt and Italy, and because of his extra devotion to She’erith Hapleitah, he was punished by a British military court. After his discharge from the army, he returned to work at Hulda and his family suffering (his wife was injured by blood poisoning from the stabbings of sprayed plantations, wandered from one clinic to another and died after a long illness six months after her husband’s death). When the convoy of cars near Hulda was attacked on March 31, 1948, he took a tractor from the farm on his own, saved cars loaded with food and a cannon from the enemy, and was even wounded in the hand On the day of the declaration of the State of Israel he came to full service, although his work was in fact a military service on the front, Yehuda served in the Givati ​​Brigade and was among the defenders of Nitzanim “After the progress of the Egyptian column near Ashdod was halted, Kibbutz Nitzanim remained behind, and the Egyptians understood that this point could be made The Egyptian attack was launched on June 7, 1948. The Israeli army was severely shelled in the morning and the assault of the infantry started in the morning, but it was stopped by the defenders, who increased the shelling and even activated planes that bombed the agriculture and caused damage. Under the cover of which Egyptian infantry and armored forces advanced and succeeded in penetrating the agriculture and taking control of it.This battle fell on the 29th of Iyar 5708 (7.6.1948) and was brought to rest in the cemetery in Nitzanim.

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