Price, Avraham (Hirschka)

Price, Avraham (Hirschka)

Avraham, son of Rosa and Moshe, was born in 1927 in the town of Kruj in Lithuania, the son of a merchant father, brother to Ze’ev and David, who graduated from elementary school in his hometown, and discovered great talent in his studies. Was annexed to the Soviet Union on the eve of World War II.In 1941, the alliance between Stalin and Hitler was conquered and the Germans conquered the area, and the Jews were crowded into a single surviving building. In the following months, most of the Jews in the area were murdered by the Germans and their Lithuanian collaborators, and by the end of the war about ninety percent of the Jews had been murdered Yatta All the members of Avraham’s extensive family were murdered in the Holocaust, only he survived and arrived on the day of liberation, and on Rosh Hashana 5707 (September 1946) Avraham immigrated to Eretz Yisrael and settled in Bnei Brak. He studied the spinning and worked in it. And when his aunt came from America to visit him and asked him to join her and return with her there, he refused without hesitation. Shortly after his arrival in Israel, Avraham joined the Haganah. With the outbreak of the War of Independence, he joined the ranks of the defenders and, with the establishment of the IDF, joined the religious company of the 33rd Battalion of the Alexandroni Brigade, Part 3. He fought in the ranks of the battalion in the central region and later in the south. (Now the Tel Irani area) was one of the outposts of the Egyptian forces that invaded the country and was called “the pocket of Falluja.” In Operation Horev, towards the end of the War of Independence, it was decided to release The way to the Negev and force the Egyptians to retreat, and in this framework a “liquidation” operation was carried out against the enemy forces in the “Faluja pocket.” Abraham’s unit was assigned to break into Iraq On December 28, 1948, the Alexandroni forces broke into the village from the south and took control of it, but their assault on the hill north of the village was repulsed, while the Egyptians recovered and forced the Israeli forces to withdraw. Avraham was twenty-one years old when he died, and was buried in Faluja on December 8, 1949. He was transferred to eternal rest in the Nahalat Yitzhak Military Cemetery.In spite of the failure of the attack in Iraq, And at the end of Operation Horev in January 1949, the Egyptians agreed to a cease-fire and the withdrawal of their forces. Thus, fighting on the southern front ceased. This hero is a “last scion”. The survivors of the Holocaust are survivors of the Holocaust who survived the last remnant of their nuclear family (parents, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters) who experienced the Holocaust in the ghettos and / or concentration camps and / or in hiding and hiding in territories occupied by the Nazis and / Or in combat alongside members of the underground movements or partisans in the Nazi-occupied territories who immigrated to Israel during or after World War II, wore uniforms and fell in the Israeli army.

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