Preminger, Gedalia (Delzio)

Preminger, Gedalia (Delzio)

Gedalia, the son of Shoshana-Reizel and Shimon, was born on November 10, 1929 in Romania, in the city of Czernowitz in the Bukovina region of Ukraine, where he studied in an elementary school in his hometown. Romania declared neutrality, but after a year joined Nazi Germany, with the entry of Germans into Czernowitz in July 1941, thousands of Jews were murdered and about 50,000 were imprisoned in the ghetto, and more than half of them were deported to camps in Transnistria. Gedalia, his parents, and three sisters were interned in a detention camp in the Ukraine, and his two other brothers were murdered when the Germans entered the city. Gedalia was the only one who survived and was picked up by his uncles, and Gedalia returned to Romania on July 17, 1944, with the children of Transnistria in the framework of the Youth Aliyah. He was remembered as a God-fearing, outstanding, and first-class student in his class: “energetic, awake and active, despite his quiet and modest nature.” For four years he stayed in the institution, quietly and steadily, making his way through life and studies. At the outbreak of the War of Independence, Gedalia enlisted with his comrades in the Palmach, and in January 1948 he joined a religious company, underwent military training in Sde Eliyahu and was assigned to the “Haemek” Battalion of the “Yiftach” Brigade – the 11th Brigade in the Hagana. In the war, at the beginning of June 1948, the Yiftach Brigade was taken to assist in the battle for the road to Jerusalem, and Gedalia participated in the battle for the Latrun strongholds. , A few hours before the second truce took effect, the “Haemek” battalion seized the outpost of Shilta in the eastern part of the Korikor ridge (El Bureij), to the islands On the wing of the Jordanian Legion in Latrun On the morning of the 11th of Tammuz 5708 (18.7.1948) it became clear that the Legion force was holding the western part of the ridge, and the enemy was aided by armored vehicles and attacked the force that was occupying the outpost from two directions. Gedalya, who was sent to inform his platoon that he had to withdraw, was killed by a bullet in the head.Gedalia was eighteen years old when he fell, and the remains of the fallen soldiers remained in Jordanian territory, and their remains were collected by the military rabbinate more than a year later And were brought to a mass grave in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem on the 11th of Adar 5702 (28.2.1950). This hero is a “last scion”. The survivors of the Holocaust are survivors of the Holocaust who survived the last remnant of their nuclear family (parents, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters) who experienced the Holocaust in the ghettos and / or concentration camps and / or in hiding and hiding in territories occupied by the Nazis and / Or in combat alongside members of the underground movements or partisans in the Nazi-occupied territories who immigrated to Israel during or after World War II, wore uniforms and fell in the Israeli army.

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