Preger, Orit

Preger, Orit

Daughter of Sarah and Simcha Goldstein. Born on April 22, 1965 in Hadera, eldest daughter and sister of twins Ronen and Ophir, Orit began her studies at the elementary school of Ahad Ha’am and continued to the Hadera High School in the biological track. Orit: “Orit was the teacher’s favorite, in her quiet and pleasant manner, in her ability to study, she was always ready, orderly – a wonderful student, all without effort, she was simple. In her youth Orit was active in the Scouts movement in Hadera. Another love was the flora and fauna. Orit was an enthusiastic collector of butterflies and reptiles, raised a number of cats and dogs in her home, and traveled extensively in the countryside. At the beginning of December 1983, Orit enlisted in the IDF, and after completing her basic training she joined the Academic Reserve at the Levinsky College of Education, specializing in the teaching of Teva, Orit graduated with honors, received a teaching certificate and B.Ed. She underwent an officer’s course and a naval supplement, at the end of which she was awarded the rank of lieutenant. In late April 1990, she joined the ranks of the career army and was appointed rehabilitation officer in Prison 6 near Atlit, where she and other positions in her life were successfully completed and after a few months she was promoted to the rank of captain “In the same year, Orit’s father became a devoted caregiver until his death in 1993, during which time she continued her difficult work as a rehabilitation officer, and in 1990 she married her son, Ron Frager, the son of Hadera. They labored on the process of building a house in Hadera, which Orit did not see in the final stages of her construction In August 1995 she was promoted to the rank of Major, and her daughter Chen was born in August 1995. But Orit was not content with her role as a mother, returned to military service and filled several positions, the last of which Was a commanding officer in a detention center, a position she had managed to fill for only three months Orit fell during her duty on 10.11.1997 in a road accident that occurred in the area of ​​the Morasha Junction, . During the journey, Orit was critically wounded by a truck. She was thirty-two years old at the time. She was laid to rest in the military section of Hadera’s cemetery. Survived daughter, husband, mother and two brothers. On her last journey she was accompanied by family members and hundreds of friends from childhood, from high school and academia, teachers and educators, commanders and commanders. Her words were engraved on her grave: “In the family and in the service, you were a model, from us we were picked at your heart, without time.” On her grave her husband, Ron, said to her: “Orit, you were a wonderful mother, a wonderful wife, a wonderful housewife, and an excellent officer, you never hurt anyone, only you knew how well to do. Orit, I promise you, in the name of my parents, in the name of your mother and my name, that we will continue to raise our grace just as you would like. Orit’s family received a certificate of honor and honor signed by the head of the manpower department. The family commemorated the award of an annual scholarship to the high school student Orit attended. The Chief of Staff at the time, Lt. Gen. Amnon Lipkin-Shahak, wrote to the family in a letter of condolence: “Orit, may she rest in peace,Who was killed in a car accident. Was described by her commanders as a responsible and dedicated officer who devoted much of her time to her role, while showing tolerance and concern for her soldiers. “I know what it was like to be able to succeed, to advance and to bring honor and appreciation to your family, I know how much you loved me,” she said. The military family and how much you would have been willing to dedicate to this family with an exceptional personal sacrifice and sacrifice. “Orit has been a soldier in the army for many years, and although she was a representative of the Education Corps, she soon became an authority and source of professionalism and norms of work. Lt. Col. Sasson, Orit’s commander, wrote in her memory: “When you come to write about reporters / and try to do a summary of verbs, this is a very sad job and tears in the eyes.” / Orit served as a commander of a prison facility and there during three years of hard work A person and a wonderful officer / knows her place as a loyal assistant, and as such closes her edges and reports to Kadima, always making sure that the next project is already in progress. / Her interest, as well as my interest, problems, joys and personal situations, / also made us good friends. “If we can summarize such things as life, then Orit had a taste, a taste of life and a pity for Dabdin.” A representative of the Military Police Corps said of Orit’s grave: “You dealt with the help and concern of all those around you, you left them all abandoned. Among the many roles you have worked in, providing help and listening to a caressing ear and a caressing hand for many prisoners. You gave each one a personal attitude and in your eyes you saw each one in the whole world. You wholeheartedly believed in their rehabilitation and succeeded in convincing all concerned that they could integrate into ordinary life. You were devoted and your concern was also expressed in the house and since the death of your father you have assumed a role without any coronation. “Ophir, Orit’s brother, eulogized her:” A woman who guided her life was the love of man. Love in the full sense of the word: infinite giving, infinite and combative. Orit, as it was: light, which illuminates the surroundings wherever it is. When you were born the light shone in our house, the first daughter of loving parents. Three years later, we twins were born. I was the great, good, supportive, helpful, encouraging, understanding nurse … “Brother Ronen wrote:” How can one describe a person taken before his time? After all, he did not have time to give of himself. In the case of Orit, she managed to give herself at any moment and as much as possible. Orit was full of caring, serious and willing to give the maximum in every field she dealt with. Orit was a wonderful nurse, always interested and always willing to help and support. Wherever she went, she succeeded – study, work, family life. Too bad you can not enjoy the beauty of the interior and exterior. “My husband writes, Ron:” These days I am finishing the construction of the house that we started to build together, and it was really our doing to boast, after years of hard work by both of us. Indeed, this is a magnificent home. I know how happy Orit Lou would have lived in this house and what a proud mother she would have been to see what a charming girl we have, who reminds us very much of her character, wisdom and beauty of her mother, who was abducted from us. Orit made her mark on everything she was dealing with and now, about a year after she was taken from us, she is engagedSeth is too much to bear. Anyone who knew her, loved her and missed Orit very much, who left her home for a military mission and did not get back. May they stand to her credit and her soul will be bound by the bundle of life. “

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