Pozaloff, Yoel

Pozaloff, Yoel

Son of Michael and Yael. Born in Ramat Gan on Tuesday 16 October 1939, he studied at the Yahalom Elementary School in Ramat Gan and at the agricultural school in Pardes Hannah, where he continued to study at the Dvir High School in Ramat Gan, David. “During his high school years, he was a member of the” Scouts “and the” Gadna “Air. He loved sports and participated in many competitions. Yoel enlisted in the IDF in mid-October 1957 and was assigned to the Nahal Brigade. At the end of his regular service he was released and began to work. In 1963 he was accepted as a member of “Egged” and worked on the Tel Aviv-Be’er Sheva line. Due to a car accident in which he suffered a fracture of the skull, his physical fitness declined and Yoel was transferred to a supply unit. Despite his limitations, he managed to convince his doctors that he was able to go to a reserve officer course, and indeed passed it successfully. On February 24, 1973, during his service in this unit, Yoel Yoel fell in the line of duty in his capacity as a liaison officer with the United Nations in the Sinai. . He left a wife and two daughters. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. After his death he was promoted to lieutenant. A sports house named after him was founded by his friends in Herzliya.

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