Porat (Polak) Shimon Aryeh

Porat (Polak) Shimon Aryeh

Son of Hartok and Dina. He was born on 28.5.1929 in Batavia, Indonesia. He completed his studies in an elementary school in his hometown and then at a high school in Rotterdam, Holland. He immigrated to Israel at the beginning of 1948. During the War of Independence he participated in battles in Ramot Naftali. He was a youth counselor at the agricultural school at the Kfar Galim Youth Village where he organized a music club, and for the members of the department he prepared special handouts that were copied and distributed among them. On the 28th of Cheshvan 5717 (2/11/1956) he fell in battle in Abu-Agila in the Sinai. He was laid to rest in a grave in the Haifa military cemetery. He left a wife and a child. His students at the agricultural school established a group named after him: the Porat Core. The institution he worked in produced two pamphlets in his memory – one at the end of November 1956 and the other on the first anniversary of his death (early November 1957).

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