Ponso, Isaac

Ponso, Isaac

Was born in Jerusalem on January 22, 1920. He studied in a high school and later worked as a plumber and as a driver, and at the age of 16, at the beginning of the War of Independence in 1936-1939, During the Second World War he joined the British army and participated in the Egyptian, Libyan and Italian campaigns until the end of the war, and returned to Jerusalem and married. Was killed by the Arabs when he tried to save Jewish property in the old commercial center during the riots of the rioters on December 3, 1947. He was buried in the cemetery on the Mount of Olives. He left behind a wife and child. His younger brother Joseph also fell in the War of Independence. His name was engraved on the monument erected in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in memory of those who perished in the Jewish Quarter and the memory of soldiers who fell in the battle for Jerusalem and were buried on the Mount of Olives.

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