Pollack, Israel

Pollack, Israel

Son of Zvi and Rivka. He was born on the 8th of Tishrei 5708 (October 8, 1948) in Givat Haim (Meuhad), where he studied at the elementary school there and continued in the high school there until he graduated from high school. He was a candidate for the officers’ course, but on 21 March 1968 he took part in the retaliatory action against the Jordanian terrorist bases known as Operation Karameh (The town east of the Jordan where they were concentrated and from which the enemy saboteurs went to Israeli territory). In this operation he was hit in the armored car by a shell of an enemy tank and he died. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery at Givat Hayim Hameuhad. The commander of his unit mentioned him in a letter of condolence to his family as the spirit of his department, who always knew how to be cheerful and Simcha, and the roles he was entrusted with. In the 1930s, a booklet appeared in his memory, as well as a second booklet for a year. Hakibbutz Hame’uchad’s memoir “Who Fell in the War” was mentioned.

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